Ice Hack to Lose Weight: Does This Cool Trick Really Melt Fat?

The “ice hack to lose weight” is a trending diet approach that claims consuming cold foods and drinks can boost metabolism and promote fat loss, especially belly fat. But does this ice hack recipe really work for weight loss? Let’s dive into what the ice hack diet entails and if the science supports using this ice method to shed pounds.

What is the ice hack diet?

The ice hack to lose weight centers on eating and drinking very cold items to make your body work harder and burn more calories warming itself up (thermogenesis). The ice hack diet includes things like ice water, ice cream, popsicles, and frozen fruits or veggies.

What’s included in the ice hack diet recipe?

An ice hack to lose weight menu might feature:

  • Ice water and other iced drinks
  • Ice cream, frozen yogurt, popsicles
  • Frozen fruits like grapes, melon, berries
  • Chilled crisp veggies like celery, carrots, cucumbers
  • Slushies or smoothies packed with ice

Can the ice method help you lose weight?

While the ice hack to lose weight concept is based on the legit phenomenon of thermogenesis, no studies have directly tested if the ice hack diet leads to significant weight loss [1]. Thermogenesis does slightly boost calorie burn, but likely not enough to meaningfully move the scale compared to cutting calories and exercising [2].

Does the ice hack increase your metabolism?

Technically yes, the ice hack to lose weight may increase metabolism a bit through thermogenesis – your body expending energy to warm up [3]. However, the metabolic effects of simply eating cold foods are likely minimal. Much more impactful is the “thermic effect” of eating protein-rich foods, which takes notable energy to digest [4].

How to use ice to reduce belly fat?

Proponents of the ice hack to lose weight claim you can “spot reduce” belly fat by placing an ice pack on your midsection for 30-60 minutes per day. However, this ice method is unlikely to yield significant fat loss. Spot reduction has been shown to be largely a myth – we can’t choose where we lose fat from [5].

Does ice water burn fat?

Drinking ice water does burn a few extra calories compared to room temp water, due to thermogenesis [6]. But the effect is so small it likely won’t noticeably affect body fat. You’d need to drink a large volume of ice water to get even a 100 calorie boost. Hydration is great for weight loss, but the temp doesn’t really matter.

Is the ice hack diet safe?

For most healthy people, eating some cold foods won’t be harmful. But doing the ice hack to lose weight long-term may have risks:

  • Loading up on high-cal frozen treats easily leads to weight gain
  • Consuming too many iced drinks or foods can cause tooth sensitivity and digestive discomfort
  • Focusing too much on the ice hack diet may displace nutritious foods and lead to imbalanced eating

Should you do the ice hack diet?

The ice hack to lose weight is not necessarily dangerous, but it’s likely not very effective either, based on the lack of direct research. Eating cold foods here and there won’t hurt, but don’t expect the ice method to magically melt away major pounds or belly fat. For sustainable weight loss, you’re better off focusing on a balanced diet and staying active.


The ice hack to lose weight is a popular diet trend based on the idea that eating cold foods can boost metabolism and promote fat loss. While there is some truth to the concept of thermogenesis (the body burning calories to warm up), the actual impact of the ice hack diet on weight loss is likely minimal and not well studied.

Eating very cold foods and drinks may slightly increase calorie burn, but not enough to make a significant difference compared to reducing overall calorie intake and increasing physical activity. Additionally, some common ice hack diet foods like ice cream can be high in calories and lead to weight gain if consumed in excess.

Other ice hack to lose weight strategies like applying ice packs to the stomach are unlikely to yield notable fat loss, as spot reduction of fat from specific areas has been largely disproven. Drinking ice water can burn a few extra calories but won’t have a major impact.

While eating cold foods is generally safe in moderation, the ice hack diet has some potential long-term risks like excess calorie intake, tooth sensitivity, digestive discomfort, and nutritional imbalances. For most people, a balanced diet and regular exercise are safer and more effective paths to sustainable weight loss than relying on the ice hack diet alone.


Can I lose weight just by eating cold foods?

Unlikely. While cold foods may slightly boost calorie burn, the effect is too small to cause significant weight loss without also reducing calorie intake and increasing exercise.

Is it okay to eat ice cream every day on the ice hack diet?

No, loading up on high-calorie ice cream every day is likely to lead to weight gain, not loss. Enjoy cold treats in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

Will an ice pack on my stomach really burn belly fat?

Probably not. Studies show we can’t “spot reduce” fat from specific areas. Overall fat loss through diet and exercise is the only proven way to reduce belly fat.

How much ice water should I drink to lose weight?

There’s no magic number. Staying hydrated by drinking when thirsty (with or without ice) is great for overall health and may support weight loss. But drinking tons of ice water alone won’t have a major fat burning effect.

Key Takeaways

  • The ice hack to lose weight involves eating cold foods to boost metabolism, but its fat-burning effects are likely minimal and unproven.
  • Placing ice on your belly or drinking lots of ice water won’t lead to significant spot reduction of stomach fat.
  • Eating cold foods is generally safe, but loading up on high-calorie frozen treats can lead to weight gain. Balance is key.
  • For proven, sustainable weight loss, focus on a balanced diet and regular physical activity rather than relying on the ice hack diet alone.

